






Mama bollo papa bolle nenek bolla kakek belle. Semua......bolelayaw


What is the meaning of beautiful life?

Everyone surely agrees that beautiful is a nice thing.

And life?
John Lennon said, "Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans"

So we can make a point that beautiful life is...


What is it? Really! Can you tell me?

I'm not sure of the answer.


But I can say that life is beautiful when,

When there's no regrets haunt you.
When no one can make you feel small.
When you have good friends.
When you talk openly with them.
When you laugh out loud with them.
When they laugh at your jokes.
When you can share great film, music, books, and stories with them.
When people give attention while you talk.
When people you hate disappear.
When you don't need to pretend to be liked.
When you can socialize without feeling fear of rejection.
When you finally find yourself in love, I mean, not just like or admire.
And it turns out that a person you love also loves you.

You can add the rest.

Isn't this dumb that I don't know what beautiful life is but I can tell when life can be beautiful?
Or do you think I'm an idiot because you think it's just the same?

I don't think so.

'Beautiful life' is like saying 'black dog', it's used to describe something specifically while 'dog is black' is to describe thing generally. -eh?

I mean, when you ask, "What is a beautiful life?" then you ask for a definition. 
But when you ask me, "What is life is beautiful?" then you ask about a film. -I have no idea

:8)    yes, I am an idiot.

Let's cut the crap.

Hm. hm. hm.

I have nothing else to say.

Something crossed my mind.

It says that life is beautiful only when you don't think about it too much.

But how can I don't think about it if I crave for it?


Alas! I cannot swim

There's a house across the river
but alas I cannot swim
And a garden of such beauty
that the flowers seem to grin
There's a house across the river
but alas I cannot swim
I'll live my life regretting that I never jumped in

There's a boy across the river
with short black curly hair
He wants to be my lover
and I want to be his peer
There's a boy across the river
but alas I cannot swim
And I never will get to put my arms around him

There's a life across the river

that was meant for me
instead I live my life in constant misery
There's a life across the river
but I do not see
why I should please those who will never be pleased

There is gold across the river

but I don't want none
There is gold across the river
but I don't want none

Gold is fleeting, gold is fickle, gold is fun!

Gold is fleeting, gold is fickle, gold is fun!

There is gold across the river

but I don't want none
I would rather be dry
then held up by a golden gun

work more
earn more
live more
have more fun

work more
earn more
live more
have more fun

work more
earn more
live more
have more fun


Blackberry stone

Mata ini nakal sekali. Tidak berniat aku menutupnya, walau tak sanggup berlama-lama. Lingkaran hitamnya terlihat sangat jelas bagai lumut kolam. 

Kura-kura hitam yang telah berumur lebih panjang dariku mengungsi. Dari tanah ke kolam. Walau tidak berpindah tempat. Karena hanya tanahnya saja yang dibuang dan diubah menjadi kolam, yang memang sebelumnya adalah kolam, tapi mulanya tanah. Dan sekarang mereka harus mampu hidup di air, selamanya.

Kasian. Aku sering melihat salah satunya manjat di atas batubata, mungkin tidak bisa berenang (jelas saja, habitatnya bukan di air), dan yang lainnya jatuh, hanya merondokkan tubuhnya di dalam batoknya. Kurasa mati.

Kura-kura hijau, yang bukan dibeli aku sewaktu aku kelas VIII masih bertahan dan telah dewasa, namun tidak pernah bertelur betinanya. Apa mereka sesama jenis? Dasar penjual bodoh!

Sudah tiga akuarium berbeda ukuran telah mereka tempati selama ini. Pun tak terhitung lagi sudah berapa kali dibersihkan. Dan entah berapa banyak rupiah yang dihabiskan untuk membeli pelet-pelet favorit mereka.

Tak masalah, karena bukan aku pula yang membersihkan dan membelinya. Dan sekarang pelet tidak dibutuhkan lagi. Karena mereka sudah bermigrasi dari akuarium ke kolam, bersama kura-kura hitam. Dengan makanan baru: jangkrik.

Akuarium berubah fungsi jadi istana jangkrik, yang penghuninya harus rela ditelan. Oleh kura-kura hitam, hijau dan kukangku.


Hoaahm, aku tak tahan. Mataku terus menggigil, hidungku menguap.
Sepertinya nanti aku libur sendiri.
