
Jual buku

Berhubung saya jualan buku, bolehlah kalo ada yang tertarik liat2 akun lapak saya ini: Readmore Society.

sketsa oleh R.P.


These were most of my writings during my two week stay in Pare, where I put myself learning to write in English. Writing some essays in an academic writing class to be exact. So they were kinda formal stuffs. I didn't care whether they were acceptable to be called as "essay" or not, but honestly, I simply enjoyed those moments where I could write spontaneously in a room without any nuisance or distraction, and even editing. Just simply writing because you were supposed to. That was the thing for me. I couldn't write when I didn't feel the urge to. But when there was an external force, it just flowed.


Some people believe that watching movie is important. Do you agree or disagree?