
Melancholy's a bitch

I love hearing your voice
seeing that face of yours
that awkward face

We didn’t talk much
but when we did
what a precious time!
every second of it!
seriously, it was

Although what came out from this mouth
was soo boring
like my life and myself
and I’m sorry

I don’t expect you to know my feeling
I’m so good at hiding it
know why?
because I’m too afraid
it’s gonna end soon
like now
when obviously it all never even begins

Oh univeeeeerse
I’m tired of loving
without knowing, so humiliating
always blaming the situation
and condition
when I know that it’s just me
too coward

I wonder
what’s the point of me writing this?
I mean typing this?
to show off my sadness?
in a public website?


I just need to be heard


In the end
let me shout some lines of a song

“I am huuuman and I need to be loooooved
just like everybody else does!”

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