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My Daily Routine 

Every night I set up my phone alarm at 5.35 am, but I wake up fifteen minutes later. And that’s always because of my mom shouting. I go to bath immediately then doing sholat. Finish doing sholat I take a bath, then I get dressed. As soon as I get dressed, I eat my breakfast right away which has been served by my dad. Then I make my own tea and wash + fill my drink bottle.

When everything’s done, I wait for my sister who is buying a food for my mom. That thing makes me late usually. Then she’s ready to drive me to my school and go to her campus herself. After arriving, I run to my class directly because I think I’m late but I’m not, I’ve been though. As usual, the ring bells five minutes after I’ve been in class.

After 8x45 + 2x20 minutes are wasted by studying (not always though) and 2 times resting, the ring bells finally which means all students can go home. Sometimes I walk to home when the weather is good, but I more often to go home by car. Don’t mean to show off, but you know, I own many cars. Just call one of the drivers, he stops certainly. Well, people name it public transportation.

At home, I change my school uniform first, and then I get lunch. I usually take a sleep after lunch because I’m really tired. As usual, I’m awakened three hours later on by a strange noise. It’s weird. It’s scared me. OK, it’s nothing.

At 5.30 pm, I take a bath. I have no idea what I’m going to do then because I don’t have any special activity. So I end up wasting time by doing unimportant things, such as watching something, reading something, listening something that mean nothing, I think. But it’s fine as long as it entertains me.

If I’m already bored of those things, I’m going to take a rest for awhile. Then I set my books. I sleep again at 12.00 AM.


My Experience 

When I was little, every Ramadhan month, I always did these things with my friends which were become routines that we had to do every day in Ramadhan. After finishing sahur with my family, I went out to my neighbor’s house to gather round with others. We were on the way to a mosque.

Finish doing sholat, we’re used to take a nap in the mosque. Then we walked to a pond which is near from the mosque, for playing around. After getting tired of that we each were back to our home just to get our own vehicle. I usually played my roller skates. We often went to some faraway places which we really enjoyed together. After we satisfied, instead of taking a bath, we just played again. Sometimes we played badminton, but we’d rather played ball (I’m not sure what the game was called).
We each went home finally about 10.00-11.00 AM to take a bath. Because I was in fasting, I got tired easily, so I didn’t do anything exhausted the next. An hour before breaking fast, we liked to go to Ramadhan Fair, because my friend’s family was selling foods in there. We all waited to break fast.

After breaking fast, we were going to sholat tarawih together. Then we could play whatever we wanted.

I’m not gonna call this an interesting story because it is not at all. But I just don’t want to forget this great moment I’ve experienced. Then I call it ‘special’.


May 10, 2011

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